Miss Ladybug is taking a nap so I thought I'd take a few minutes to blog as I haven't been blogging as regularly as I'd like to.
I've been searching for cute baby-related knitting patterns as I have a a friend who's baby is due soon (I think...I'm such a bad friend) and another who will soon find out her baby's gender.
For friend #1 (we'll refer to her as Pooky) I'm planning to make this:
I LOVE this hat!! If Miss Ladybug had been an Oliver (which was my favorite boy name) this would've been at the top of my baby knitting list. I know Pooky will love this hat and I'm excited to make and give it to her! I'm trying to knock off a few more projects from my in progress list before I start it....
For friend #2 (who has a blog under the name yarnpixie) I've found several patterns I like but as yarnpixie could possibly check out my blog and spoil the surprise, I won't be posting any links or pics until after I give whatever I make to her.
I also have a review for another dairy-free product I've tried...
I've not tried this as cream cheese on a bagel, but I have tried it on a baked potato as a substitute for sour cream. YUMMY!! When I tried it for the first time I ate it plain and didn't enjoy it. However I've become accustomed to the taste and quite enjoy it with something. I'd never eat it plain with corn chips like I do with real cream cheese though.
Well I'm off to find something to munch and try to get some knitting time in before Miss Ladybug wakes up.
Have a lovely day!
I love that hat! It's adorable!